Governance: Writing a Sustainability Policy for Your Business

Sustainability in your business starts with a good governance program. Your sustainability policy will describe the governance processes, controls and procedures your business uses to monitor, manage and oversee sustainability-related risks and opportunities. 

  • Who is responsible for oversight of sustainability-related risks and opportunities? 

  • What are the terms of reference, mandates, roles, policies of the function? 

  • How do we ensure competency of the people to perform the governance function? 

  • What is the reporting frequency and format? 

  • How does the governance function evaluate sustainability strategy, decisions, risk management? 

  • How are sustainability targets set and performance monitored? 


Your policy should also describe management’s role in the governance processes and controls and procedures used to monitor, manage and oversee sustainability-related risks and opportunities. 

  • Is the role delegated to a specific management position or committee? 

  • How is oversight exercised over that position or committee? 

  • What are the controls and procedures for oversight of sustainability-related risks and opportunities? 

  • How are these controls and procedures integrated with other internal functions?  


Contact us to help you customize a sustainability policy that fits your business. 

ESGKarri Howlett